Sinus problems are a serious problem for many of us here in Western New York. The surgical procedure is complicated and painful and even worse not sometimes fails or may have to be repeated in the future.
Our procedure is simple and painless.
A small probe is placed externally on the six sinus cavities and usually only four procedures are needed. The exception to a total, quick healing is the case when a person has a structural problem for example a deviated septum or polyps. We would suggest that problem is remedied and then consult us for the procedure. Here is testimonial from a Mr. Wrona who suffered every fall for years and after the suggested four treatments he has had no re-occurrence for 4 years!
Sinusitis | 61-year-old Man
First off, you have to know that I am a skeptic . . . a very confirmed skeptic. I also have sinus problems.
In November of 2008, it got so bad, I made several trips to my physician, took prescription antibiotics and Symbicort so I could breathe. All caused by sinus drip that got so heavy it clogged my throat while sleeping caused painful and blood filled cough and drove me nuts.
This past November, my friend, Lou Banas, said to me “why don’t you try this light therapy on your sinus. I believe it will help you. “When it does, all I ask is that you tell people your story. What I can say after years of late and early winter sinusitis I have been breathing free and clear very single day for almost 4 years! This is something that should be investigated. I’m confident my sinus problems have been cured.
Michael Wrona - Amherst, NY